速報APP / 商業 / Sell With Kenny Yu

Sell With Kenny Yu





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Sell With Kenny Yu(圖1)-速報App

With 8 years of experience in negotiating and selling homes in WA and have sold a diverse range of property including residential homes, development sites and luxury properties.

His expert knowledge and respect within the industry is greatly admired amongst his peers.

Referrals are main source of Kenny's business and when you choose Kenny, you can be confident that you are working with a creative agent who will leave no stone unturned to get you the best price.

Sell With Kenny Yu(圖2)-速報App

His experience, knowledge and finely honed negotiating skills combined with a clear, straight talking communication, diligent follow up & the perfect mix of resources at his disposal will ensure your property will be reaching its full market potential.

"Call me to sell your most valuable asset and Profit from my knowledge"

Skills & expertise -

Sell With Kenny Yu(圖3)-速報App


- Appraising homes

- Negotiating and selling homes

Sell With Kenny Yu(圖4)-速報App

- Multi-lingual in Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesian and Malay

Community involvement:

- Sponsor Madeley Primary School

Sell With Kenny Yu(圖5)-速報App

- Sponsor Kingsway Christian College

Available 7 days on 0422 702 345 or kenny@slpwa.com.au

Sell With Kenny Yu(圖6)-速報App